Award-Winning Art – “Love Me Back”

My oil painting of “Love Me Back” has just won a Special Merit Award. This artwork is oils on canvas, sized at 12 by 12 inches. It is inspired by unrequited love ..

Painting – The Grey Winged Trumpeter

This painting is an oil on canvas of 10 by 8 inches, of the endangered Grey Winged Trumpeter. This bird originates from the northern Amazon rainforest and tropical South America. Sadly, this is another endangered species ..

Grey Winged Trumpeter2 - 2016

For more endangered animal artwork or poetry, please visit:

Poem – Dream for the 21st Century

Dream for 21st Century

Weeping Willow2015-improved


One tear for peace across the globe,

no more questions or the need to probe.

Joy enough to make the heart dance at night,

as people come together loving alike.


Another tear for illness to finally disappear,

no need for vaccines, or the loss of heirs.

Pharma companies are gone overnight,

surplus to requirements, as money is tight.


The third tear comes with greater ease,

as water flows to ease famine relief.

Suddenly others join me to cry out loud,

wanting no more rulers dictating to the crowd.


The world is seeing the darkest of days,

this is always the way, until the light remains.

Suddenly tears flow vigorously across the globe,

cleansing away all the trash it unearthed.


Martin, Michael and J F K rejoice from the grave,

as they can see their dream is on its way.

The 21st Century will eventually restore new hope,

before which we must sadly endure much hurt.


For more inspiration, poetry or art, please visit:

Poem – The Cycle of Bullying

You ask why I bully,

I guess it’s difficult to see.

The reason is simple,

someone did it to me.

I know two wrongs,

never make one right.

Thought is not given,

as you act out of spite.

It was a dominant girl,

in my GREAT relationship.

I can see it clearly now,

she was actually a bitch.

The guys at the office,

were really just as bad.

You have to be macho,

whilst inside you are sad.

I know I am well…

emotionally weak.

Some people actually think,

that this makes me a freak.

For a few moments,

when others I do hurt.

YEAH, I do feel strong!

It never is long-lasting,

upon realizing I’ve done wrong.

Inside I hate myself,

as I know how they feel.

There I am at the beginning,

with what makes this real.


For more contemporary Poetry and Art, please visit:

Just won an Award for new style of artwork :)

I decided to try some new artwork this year, and came up with the idea of celebrating the female shape. It’s a Leap Year so I think this is a great idea, as there will be much romance in the air.

The idea is to only show a snippet out of context, and see how I can show beauty. I wanted to validate my work so I entered it in a competition in the United States, and I have just won an award.

SR Certificate - All Women - 1 Jan. 2016 - LIGHT COPY

The painting is called “Midnight Beauty” and is 14 by 10 inches in oil paint on canvas. I hope that you can take the time to view it on my website and give your feedback. Thank you as always for your support! 🙂

Click here to view the painting.

Video – Carnival in Caracas

The city of Caracas in Venezuela provides a vantage point to view the stunning Caribbean coastline, with an eclectic mix of cultures. The city sits  high in the hills, which means the climate is more accommodating.

This part of the world captures the idea of a tropical paradise perfectly, with a colourful palette in the tropical water, picturesque beaches, array of fish and delicious food for the soul.

My video captures the city of Caracas, so please enjoy the scenery that inspired my oil painting of the same name:


Painting – Carnival In Caracas

This oil painting was commissioned to depict the city of Caracas in Venezuela. I love the sunset of cerise, orange and purple in the background, just swooping down to cover the city. The boat is also typical in the Caribbean and brings back some amazing memories of holidaying on the various magical islands 🙂

Carnival in Caracas - 2015

For more paintings of cities in bubbles, please visit: