Poem – Any Change…?

This poem is inspired by homelessness and was written to highlight the issue in all major locations but particularly in Manchester, where a Charter was recently launched for the homeless in the City by the Charity, Mustard Tree.


Any Change..?


This wasn’t always

the reality of me.

Don’t believe what at first

you think you see.

Life can deal

bum cards to us all.

Leaving you sometimes

feeling forlorn.

Each day I ‘wander’

without much hope.


Any change for a coffee

or even a smoke.


The streets are never

an easy place.

Filled with inequality

and too much heartache.

We have much in common

you and me.

Both coming from

decent, loving family.

Some days I feel shame

about where I’m at.

Then quickly realize

that’s matter, not fact.


Any change for a bed

or even

a roof

over my head.


This is all that’s needed

when all is said.

Mobility from poverty

is like climbing a wall.

It’s easy to slip

when not equipped for a fall.

This feeling of isolation

is like fractured ice.

Cutting both ways

with apprehension and bias.

Assumption that you want

money for ‘dope’.

The only dream I have

is to get back hope.


Any change

is all..

that I ask for

and pray.

To make my life better

at the end of the day.


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Poem – We Took Back The Clock

We took back the Clock


Silently you arrived just like a fox,

a twentieth century monster who never knocks.

You visit the young and old alike,

filling them with fear and anxiety about their plight.

Your tentacles are like sneaky spiders,

antagonizing loved ones, family and all insiders.

Even now you send chills up my spine,

as you will know this poem is written with you in mind.

Why do you come with such haste?

numbing the senses and eliminating taste.

Destroying that which God gives life,

causing havoc and misery to those who need no strife.

Life is too precious to ever bow down,

you will not win as science holds your crown.


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Poem – Exchanging Worlds

Exchanging Worlds

Words cannot sum up,

what I truly need to say.

You are the one for me,

please listen to what I say

I will always be there waiting,

at times when you are late.

I will love you wholeheartedly,

giving adoration when you hate.

I will cheat with your heart,

preferring to love your whole.

I will despise your outer beauty,

because inside it hides your core.

I will steal your beautiful body,

as my affair is with your soul.

I will donate all worldly possessions,

we don’t need them any more.

I will give you absolutely nothing,

as everything you are to me.

I will borrow our tomorrows,

in order to cherish you every day.

I know my words may seem strange,

in truth it’s difficult to explain.

My whole world was changed,

when into my life you came.

Two worlds collided together,

and life will never be the same.


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Poem – Dream for the 21st Century

Dream for 21st Century

Weeping Willow2015-improved


One tear for peace across the globe,

no more questions or the need to probe.

Joy enough to make the heart dance at night,

as people come together loving alike.


Another tear for illness to finally disappear,

no need for vaccines, or the loss of heirs.

Pharma companies are gone overnight,

surplus to requirements, as money is tight.


The third tear comes with greater ease,

as water flows to ease famine relief.

Suddenly others join me to cry out loud,

wanting no more rulers dictating to the crowd.


The world is seeing the darkest of days,

this is always the way, until the light remains.

Suddenly tears flow vigorously across the globe,

cleansing away all the trash it unearthed.


Martin, Michael and J F K rejoice from the grave,

as they can see their dream is on its way.

The 21st Century will eventually restore new hope,

before which we must sadly endure much hurt.


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Poem – We are the World


You gave me a label,

that’s the start of the end,

when into different groups,

you try to categorize all men.

A man is a human being,

which should be enough for most.

He is not an inanimate object,

or dare I say it, even a ghost.

Humanity is the highest form,

never degrade this utter awe.

The beauty of the human race,

is that each person is unique,

with a heart in the same place.


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Poem – Black is Positive

Black is Positive

I was targeted.

Yeah – that’s not great.

Why one word,

can conjure such hate.


I decided to dispel,

some terms that they use,

which in actual fact,

make people act so cruel.


I often hear them say,

white lies are good.

to me it’s just acting,

like you come from the hood.


I guess I do conjure magic,

as I’m full of delight.

You use me to gain tranquility,

gently soothing you at night.


All widows wear black,

as another they mourn.

It does not mean an instinct,

for killing is their call.


I did see a black sheep,

but it was not unique.

Yet you single me out,

making out I’m a freak.


Compromised and wry,

you did something wrong.

They call you out publicly,

blackmail is never the song.


Black is beautiful,

I am the colour of night.

Dark, deep and mysterious,

in sexy lingerie I alight.


Next time you use,

my name in such haste.

I am worth much more,

please don’t act in bad taste.


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Poem – Mum of All Trades

“Mum of all Trades”

An accountant balancing the books,

master chef and fantastic cook.

Legacy baker of bread, plus a many treat,

the orchestrator of the family retreat.

A nurse who sutures your bruised pride,

sometimes simply put a mastermind.

Economist predicting household spend;

cleaner, washer, yet banker willing to lend.

Eloquent storyteller of tales ‘old and wise’,

the cartographer who maps out your life.

An advocate adjudicating to her fold,

being a teacher of morality in the home.

Mum, you are all these things to me,

Today I salute your multiplicity.


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Poem – Mum’s the Word

Mum’s the word?

My Mum knew but she didn’t tell,

inside I felt very close to living in hell.

I don’t sleep properly any more,

scared with every creek of the door.

Maybe she was closing her eyes,

if opened she could no longer hide.

Somehow she had forgotten her job;

as she was supposed to protect her cub.

I guess we both were paralyzed,

with realization that this was sublime.

Even now as those memories I reflect.

All these things I can never forget.


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Poem – The Cycle of Bullying

You ask why I bully,

I guess it’s difficult to see.

The reason is simple,

someone did it to me.

I know two wrongs,

never make one right.

Thought is not given,

as you act out of spite.

It was a dominant girl,

in my GREAT relationship.

I can see it clearly now,

she was actually a bitch.

The guys at the office,

were really just as bad.

You have to be macho,

whilst inside you are sad.

I know I am well…

emotionally weak.

Some people actually think,

that this makes me a freak.

For a few moments,

when others I do hurt.

YEAH, I do feel strong!

It never is long-lasting,

upon realizing I’ve done wrong.

Inside I hate myself,

as I know how they feel.

There I am at the beginning,

with what makes this real.


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