Limited Edition Sumatran Tiger T-shirt

It is not always feasible to purchase paintings, however I have decided to convert one of my art paintings into a t-shirt, which is only going to be available in limited numbers. I already have one, so don’t miss out as it’s nice to own something that is not generic.

For more information, please visit:

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“Snow Leopard Cub” Update

Here is a little update on my “Snow Leopard Cub” painting.
The snow leopard cub is quite different from my other endangered animal portraits, as it’s going to be something between a sketch and a painting.
He is looking more realistic, especially his eyes.
What are your thoughts?

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“The Sumatran Tiger Cub – The Other Simba”

Human beings have the benefit of intelligence and must respect the planet that we are fortunate enough to occupy. It is blessed with resources which enable us to walk outdoors, enjoy the sunshine and breathe deeply absorbing the beautiful nature around us.
We may be at the top of the food chain, but we must ask ourselves:
Is any one life more valuable or precious than another?
I certainly believe that life is a very precious thing. We marvel over computers and technology but life is a very complex and amazing phenomena. Maybe taking a pause for thought, you realise that our bodies (and those of other life forms) have very intricate, autonomic systems which allow for seemingly glitch-free functioning, somewhat like a computer programme or app. Now, you have to agree…that is AMAZING!!!
Please take a look here: at my new video called “The Sumatran Tiger Cub – The Other Simba”, where “Simba” tells us of devastation in his homeland, and why he has participated in this video. Given he has been smart enough to youtube his story, let’s give him some support by circulating his story. Thank you 🙂